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Membership Benefits

Whatever you enjoy doing with wooden boats. You can enjoy it more in company with other like-minded people. Our membership embodies a vast range of knowledge and experience in all aspects of wooden boats, both in the workshop, and on the water. Our activities provide excellent opportunities for learning new skills, seeking advice, sharing ideas and all manner of collaborations.

Our monthly newsletter keeps us all in touch and informed.

Our library contains a wealth of valuable books and magazines.

Members have access to various resources either owned, or available to the association.


Our fees consist of an initial joining fee of $20.00 plus an annual subscription. See Membership Fees


To join you can either:

Complete the on-line membership form below,
Download and print our membership application form and mail it in or bring it to a meeting

Follow these links to review Classes of membership , Privacy PolicyMembership Fees

Please note that none of the data you enter is retained on our website. When you click on the “Send’ button it is included in an email to our membership officer and a second email to your email address to provide a copy for your records and to advise payment methods.


    On-line Membership Application Form

    Class of membership:

    Your name:

    [group name2]

    Other Name


    [group dependents]

    The Applicant for a Family Membership shall agree to ensure that their dependents shall be accompanied by at least one of the adults named in their Family Membership while engaged in activities of the Association.


    Membership Type

    A country Membership residential address must be either North of the Noosa River, South of the Tweed River, or West of Toowoomba. Inside this area is Local.

    Please select Membership Type:

    Address Details

    Postal same as home address?

    [group postal_address]
    Postal Address


    Other details

    The WBAQ's newsletter is normally distributed by email. It is available by post at an additional cost to cover printing and postage. Please select your preferred delivery method

    Do you own a wooden boat or boats?

    Have you ever built or restored a wooden boat?

    [group boat_details]

    If the answer is "yes", please provide details, e.g. designer, builder, dimensions, rig, motor, boat's name/s, year built, etc.

    Boat Details: (if you would like your boat placed on our website, please send photo and description.


    WBAQ Privacy Policy: Refer to the Privacy Policy. If you do not want your details published in accordance with the Policy, please select "No".

    Membership Fees

    Membership Fees and The Log subscription fee are due for renewal on 1 January each year. Initial Membership Fee depends on the period in which you join.

    Please select the appropriate joining period.

    Number of extra name badges required?

    Joining Fee:

    Membership Fee:

    [group log_by_post_group]

    "The Log" by post:


    Extra name badges:


    Please answer the following to confirm that you are human.

    Finally, please let us know how you heard about WBAQ?