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Active members only!

If you are already an active member of the Wooden Boat Association of Queensland and wish to register to access the ‘Members Only’ section of the website please complete this form following the Website Registration Instructions below.

If you are not an active member and wish to join the Wooden Boat Association of Queensland please use the membership application form. Once your membership application has been approved you will be able to register to access the website.

Website Registration Instructions
The WordPress multi-step registration process provides improved security to protect the website from constant attacks by criminals seeking to steal personal identity information, credit card numbers or opportunities for ransomware attacks.
After you follow the Register link above, the steps are:

  1. Enter your preferred username and correct email address and click the ‘Register’ button. Usernames and email addresses must be unique to each user. Duplicates will be rejected.
  2. You will receive an email confirming that your request has been received and is pending approval. A notification email was also sent to the site administrator.
  3. Once your request has been approved you will receive a second email with two links. Follow the second of these to set your new password. The WordPress system will offer you an automatically generated strong password. You can click on the Generate Password button to generate a different strong password or you can type in your own preferred password. It is important to make it as strong as possible. If you enter a weak password you will need to check the box to confirm that you are accepting weak password. Please note that you may also be compromising the security of the website.
  4. Click on the Save Password button.
  5. Login using the ‘Quick Login’ form in the website footer or by following the adjacent ‘Login’ link which opens a full WordPress login form including a ‘Lost Password’ link.